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Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • 2021 Welcome Video!

    • Welcome Module Instructions

    • Course Syllabus

    • Course Agreements

    • How to use the Discussions Tab!

    • Zoom Session Schedule & Details

    • Course Consent and Agreements Questionnaire

    • PMS Private Student Forum

  2. 2
    • Meet the PMS Team! Amanda!!

    • Meet the PMS Team! Hannah!!

    • Hannah's Offering - A PMS Art Hive!

    • What's an Art Hive? Hannah's Example Video!

    • Meet the PMS Team! Samrah!!

    • Meet the PMS Team! Gerard & Tending Your Ancestral Garden!!

    • Meet the PMS Team! Kwezt & AstroAncestral Forecast!!

  3. 3
    • May Module Welcome and Instructions!

    • May AstroAncestral Forecast with Kwezt Kade

    • Herbal Foundations - Intro to Herbalism (text version)

    • Herbal Foundations - Intro to Herbalism (audio version)

    • Welcome to the Virtual Plant Introduction Series!

    • Virtual Plant Introduction - May Edition Themes

    • May Herbs - Chickweed

    • Chickweed Video

    • May Herbs - Cleavers

    • Cleavers Video

    • May Herbs - Dandelion

    • Dandelion Video

    • May Herbs - Nettle

    • Nettle Video

    • Medicine Making - Water-Based Preparations (part 1)

    • Medicine Making Video - Water-Based Preparations

    • BONUS! May Seasonal Recipes

    • Body System Overview - Urinary

    • Body System Overview - Lymphatic

    • Queering Herbalism Readings

    • Finding Your Folks! May's Tending Your Ancestral Garden: Afro-Atlantic Spiritual Ecology & Stewardship with Gerard

    • Plant Partner Intro & May Relationship Building

    • Sensual Herb Session Intro and Instructions

    • May Engagement Exercises - Required for Certification

    • Sensual Herb Session Submission - Required for Certification

    • May Community Healing Session with Kwezt Kade (recording)

  4. 4
    • June Module Welcome and Instructions!

    • June AstroAncestral Forecast with Kwezt Kade

    • Herbal Foundations- Herbal Energetics (text version)

    • Herbal Foundations- Herbal Energetics (audio version)

    • Herbal Foundations - Elemental Spectrums

    • Herbal Foundations - The 12 Tastes

    • Virtual Plant Introduction - June Edition Themes

    • June Herbs - Comfrey

    • Comfrey Video

    • June Herbs - Plantain

    • Plantain Video

    • June Herbs - Violet

    • Violet Video

    • June Herbs - Yarrow

    • Yarrow Video

    • June Update on May Plants Video

    • Medicine Making - Oil-Based Preparations - Herb-Infused Oils

    • Medicine Making Video - Oil-Based Preparations - Herb-Infused Oils

    • BONUS! Medicine Making - Oil-Based Preparations - Salves

    • BONUS! June Seasonal Recipes

    • Body System Overview - Integumentary

    • Queering Herbalism Readings

    • Making Space for Your Folks! June's Tending Your Ancestral Garden: Afro-Atlantic Spiritual Ecology & Stewardship with Gerard

    • Plant Partner- June Relationship Building

    • June 12th Community Healing Session Live Zoom with Dr. Claudia Ford!

    • June 20th Sharing Session Live Zoom!

    • June Engagement Exercises - Required for Certification

    • Sensual Herb Session Submission - Required for Certification

    • Art Hive - All Students - 13th June 2021

    • Art Hive - BIPOC Students - 26th June 2021

    • June Community Healing Session with Dr. Claudia Ford (recording)

    • June Sharing Session Q & A (recording)

  5. 5
    • July Module Welcome and Instructions!

    • July AstroAncestral Forecast with Kwezt Kade

    • Herbal Foundations - Herbal Actions (text version)

    • Herbal Foundations - Herbal Actions (audio version)

    • Herbal Foundations - Herbal Actions BONUS Material - Foundational Herbcraft by jim mcdonald

    • Virtual Plant Introduction - July Edition Themes

    • July Herbs - Catnip

    • Catnip Video

    • July Herbs - Lemon Balm

    • Lemon Balm Video

    • July Herbs - Motherwort

    • Motherwort Video

    • July Herbs - Tulsi / Holy Basil

    • Tulsi Video

    • BONUS!! Traditional Iranian Medicine shared by Mandana Boushee

    • Medicine Making - Alcohol-Based Preparations

    • Medicine Making Video - Alcohol-Based Preparations

    • BONUS! July Seasonal Recipes

    • Body System Overview - Nervous

    • Queering Herbalism Readings

    • Greeting Your Folks! July's Tending Your Ancestral Garden: Afro-Atlantic Spiritual Ecology & Stewardship with Gerard

    • Plant Partner - July Relationship Building

    • July 10th Community Healing Session Live Zoom with Mandana Boushee!

    • July 18th Sharing Session Live Zoom!

    • July Engagement Exercises - Required for Certification

    • Sensual Herb Session Submission - Required for Certification

    • Art Hive for BIPOC Students - 24th July 2021

    • July Community Healing Session with Mandana Boushee (recording)

    • July Sharing Session (recording)

  6. 6
    • August Module Welcome and Instructions!

    • August AstroAncestral Forecast with Kwezt Kade

    • Herbal Foundations - Basic Botany (text version)

    • Herbal Foundations - Basic Botany (audio version)

    • Virtual Plant Introductions- August Edition Themes

    • August Herbs - Calendula

    • Calendula Video

    • August Herbs - Echinacea

    • Echinacea Video

    • August Herbs - Monarda

    • Monarda Video

    • August Herbs - Spilanthes

    • Spilanthes Video

    • Medicine Making Video - Flower Essence Workshop!

    • Medicine Making - Flower Essences

    • BONUS! August Seasonal Recipes!

    • Body System Overview - Immune

    • Queering Herbalism Readings

    • Asking Your Folks! August's Tending Your Ancestral Garden: Afro-Atlantic Spiritual Ecology & Stewardship with Gerard

    • Plant Partner - August Relationship Building

    • August Engagement Exercises - Required for Certification

    • Sensual Herb Session Submission - Required for Certification

    • BONUS! Decolonizing Indigo Class with Sarah Gotowka

    • August 14th Community Healing Session Live Zoom with Olga Tzogas!

    • August 15th Sharing Session Live Zoom!

    • Art Hive - All Students - 22nd August 2021

    • Art Hive for BIPOC Students - 28th August 2021

    • August Sharing Session (recording)

    • August Community Healing Session with Olga Tzogas (recording)

  7. 7
    • September Module Welcome and Instructions!

    • September AstroAncestral Forecast with Kwezt Kade

    • Herbal Foundations - Herbal Formulation (text version)

    • Herbal Foundations - Herbal Formulation (audio version)

    • Herbal Foundations - Herbal Formulation Graphic

    • Virtual Plant Introduction - September Edition Themes

    • September Herbs - Garlic

    • Garlic Video

    • September Herbs - Goldenrod

    • Goldenrod Video

    • September Herbs - Mullein

    • Mullein Video

    • September Herbs - Thyme

    • Thyme Video

    • Medicine Making - Vinegar-Based Preparations

    • Medicine Making - Honey-Based Preparations

    • BONUS! Fire Cider Oxymel recipe

    • Medicine Making Video - Vinegar- and Honey-Based Preparations

    • Body System Overview - Respiratory

    • Queering Herbalism Readings

    • Working With Your Folks! September's Tending Your Ancestral Garden: Afro-Atlantic Spiritual Ecology & Stewardship with Gerard

    • BONUS! Poor People's Pharmacy Class Recording

    • Plant Partner - September Relationship Building

    • September Engagement Exercises - Required for Certification

    • Sensual Herb Session Submission - Required for Certification

    • September 11th Community Healing Session Live Zoom with chalchiuhkoatl!

    • September 19th Sharing Session Live Zoom!

    • Art Hive for BIPOC Students - 25th September 2021

    • September Community Healing Session with chalchiuhkoatl (recording)

    • September Sharing Session (recording)

  8. 8
    • October Module Welcome and Instructions!

    • October AstroAncestral Forecast with Kwezt Kade

    • October Herbs - Burdock

    • October Herbs - Elecampane

    • October Herbs - Marsh Mallow

    • October Herbs - Yellow Dock

    • Medicine Making - Water-Based Preparations (part 2)

    • Body System Overview - Digestive

    • PMS Final Project!

    • PMS Reflections... please share your feedback to help nurture the future of PMS

    • Thanking Your Folks! October's Tending Your Ancestral Garden: Afro-Atlantic Spiritual Ecology & Stewardship with Gerard

    • October 9th Community Healing Session Live Zoom with Geo Edwards!

    • October 17th Sharing Session Live Zoom!

    • October 20th Tending Your Ancestral Garden Live Zoom! Thanking Your Folks with Gerard Miller

    • Art Hive for BIPOC Students - 23rd October 2021

    • October Community Healing Session with Geo Edwards (recording)

    • October Sharing Session (recording)

  9. 9
    • Resources Welcome and Information!

    • Frequently Asked Questions!

    • Making PMS Work - Accessibility & Affordability of the Course

    • Zoom Best Practices

    • Resource List! BIPOC-centered Herbalists, Schools and Books

    • Queering Herbalism by Toi Scott

    • Foundational Herbcraft by jim mcdonald

    • Sensual Herb Session - for download and printing

    • Mosaic of Herbal Actions - Example and Blank form for printing

    • Final Project Requirements

    • All Checklists + Final Project for Printing!

    • Art Hive Registration Form

    • Art Hive Zoom Links